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Private 5G/이음 5G


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  스폰서채널 서비스란?
[Case Study] 세종텔레콤의 5G 특화망 서비스 (산업단지)
Case Study on Private 5G service of Sejong Telecom in Korea: Industrial Complex
April 28, 2023 | By 손장우 (son@netmanias.com)
코멘트 (0)


Private 5G operator: Sejong Telecom (Korean Wire-line Carrier)


In October 2022, Sejong Telecom was approved by the government as a private 5G common carrier, allowing it to provide private 5G services to corporate customers.


Currently, nine private 5G common carriers (Naver Cloud, LG CNS, SK Networks Service, Nable Communications, CJ Olive Networks, KT MOS, Sejong Telecom, Wizcore, Newgens) are registered in South Korea. 


Sejong Telecom was allocated a private 5G frequency of 4.7 GHz (4.72-4.82GHz) by the government and built a private 5G network at TLB Cluster in Banwolshihwa Industrial Complex in December 2022. Based on this private 5G network, Sejong Telecom is providing predictive maintenance and industrial safety services.


Industrial safety services prevent various accidents such as workers entering the workplace without protective gear, harmful gas leaks, and overloading or speeding of mobile equipment in the workplace.



<Banwol-shihwa Industrial Complex>

• Commercial model: A mix of purchase and subscription types    
• Private 5G network deployment model: 5G Core Sharing
   - Customer premise: DU, indoor RU, outdoor RU
   - Cloud: 5GC CP/UPF/vCU, MEC     
• Private 5G Customers: TLB Cluster (11 companies)   
• Private 5G vendor: Samsung


Sejong Telecom installs only RUs and DUs at enterprise customer sites, while 5G cores and CUs are placed in the Cloud(TOC) to be shared and used by multiple customers.
This reduces the investment cost of building a private 5G network per customer site compared to building a full set of 5G networks at each customer site. Sejong Telecom's strategy is to deploy only RUs and DUs at new customer sites in the future. 




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