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Korea Communication Review, Q2 2015
Korea Communication Review, Q2 2015
April 10, 2015 | By Netmanias (tech@netmanias.com)
코멘트 (1)

넷매니아즈에서 발행하는 KCR (Korea Communication Review) 책자본을 무료로 배송해드립니다. 신청하세요.



Table of Content 



Netmanias Interview with Korean Companies at MWC 2015


KT's demonstrations of LTE-H and LTE-U

At Barcelona's MWC 2015, KT demonstrated a variety of new 5G, Hetnet and IoT technologies and services. Of all those presented, below we will focus on our most interested topics, WiFi-related pre-5G technology, LTE-Hetnet and LTE-U, and see how they were demonstrated.

KT's demonstrations of LTE-TDD (9-carrier CA, LTE-UL/DL CA and triple mode femto)

This article will introduce another pre-5G/5G technology, LTE-TDD, showcased by KT at MWC 2015, covering three relevant demonstrations: 9-carrier CA, LTE-UL/DL CA, and triple mode cell.

SK Telecom's demonstrations of pre-5G/5G technologies at MWC 2015 - fast data platform: T-PANI and APOLLO

SK Telecom at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015 demonstrated its newest network operation platform for 5G called “Fast Data Platform”, using two big data-based intelligent operation platforms.

SK Telecom showcased 5G quantum cryptography system

At Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015, SK Telecom showcased Quantum Cryptography System (QCS) it had developed for secure data transmission in ultra-capacity, ultra-high-speed networks of 5G era.


Korea ICT Statistics



Unified mobile fronthaul & backhaul solutions for LTE-A Hetnet: HFR’s flexiHaul solution


Why do we need antenna-integrated RRH?

RRHs are more commonly used because they can minimize radio transmission loss by allowing radio parts, which used to be installed indoor, to be placed closer to antennas.


6 things you should know about enterprise WLAN

IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (“WLAN”) technology, commonly known as Wi-Fi, has been evolving so fast, adapting to the constantly changing mobile communication market. 


[About Korea Communication Review (KCR) Magazine]



KCR Q2 2015 file







유철상 2015-05-21 08:57:21

한글책자는 없나요??

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