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상호: (주)엔앰씨컨설팅그룹 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 128, 3층 387호 대표이사: 손장우 전화: 02-3444-5747 메일: webmaster@netmanias.com 등록번호: 서울 아03722 제호: 넷매니아즈 등록일자: 2015년 5월 4일 발행/편집인: 손장우 청소년보호책임자: 이수정
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From the diagram,
Is the pay load delivered by MBMS GW directly to UE ?
How BM-SC will alert UEs ? By co-ordinating with HSS+MME ? Or on its own ?
[Q1] Is the pay load delivered by MBMS GW directly to UE ?
It's sent to UE via eNB.
(MBMS-GW broadcasts the MBMS packet (means the payload in your question) to eNBs over IP multicast.
Then, eNB broadcasts the MBMS packet to UEs through multicast traffic channel (MTCH) over radio link.)
[Q2] How BM-SC will alert UEs ? By co-ordinating with HSS+MME ? Or on its own ?
Before sending MBMS data, BM-SC initiates the MBMS session start procedure ("MBMS Session Start Request" message: BM-SC -> MBMS-GW -> MME -> (MCE ->) eNB).
Upon receiving the “MBMS Session Start Request" message, the eNB alerts UEs by informing that there's control info for MBMS data being sent.
Is it possible that eMBMS service is available without attach to EPS?
No! eMBMS physical layer scheduling/control information is specified in SIB 2 and SIB 13, and UE is able to read those System Information Blocks (SIBs) after attaching to LTE network.
Also note that in accordance with TS 26.346, Unicast traffics such as bootstrap, file repair and reception report are required for eMBMS service.
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