목차는 다음과 같습니다. What are the issues ? • Today, it is quite difficult to identify where the traffic comes from and goes to, even on our networks • Especially, so called "Hyper Giants" like Akamai, Google and more, are now changing the model of the Internet and traffic patterns • Also, legal framework for the piracy has been changed so that how traffic changed ? • Transparent Cache Technologies are emerging. So…
Trends & Challenges of Media Delivery Why Telecom Operators are Deploying CDNs Smart CDN Overview
ADVA had a nifty new trick for their mobile backhaul switches to learn, video caching. At MWC they were showing off their new Cachejack and told SemiAccurate a bit about how it all works. It is an easy enough concept to grasp, take a carrier Ethernet switch and slap storage on it so you don’t have to send the same bits over the long haul wires again and again. This saves precious bandwidth to and from the remote sites, a scarce commodity in most places. The devil however is in the details, and that is what ADVA’s Cachejack is said to have worked out.
Alcatel의 통신사업자 CDN과 Transparent Caching의 통합 솔루션에 대한 Whitepaper입니다. 통신사업자 CDN 솔루션 제조사와 Transparent Caching 솔루션 제조사는 나누어져 있었는데 최근에는 단일 벤더가 CDN과 Transparent Caching을 통합하여 제공하는 방향으로 진화하고 있습니다. 역시 트렌드는 통합, 단일화, 단순화이네요.
Content What is Over-the-Top Content? What is Content Aware Networking? What is Transparent Caching? How does Content Aware Networking work? What are Content Aware Networking’s benefits?
비디오 트래픽 (OTT)으로 인한 통신 사업자의 네트워크 부하를 감소시켜주는 기술로 이슈가 되고 있는 Transparent Caching에 대해 BTI, PeerApp, Juniper가 각 사의 솔루션을 설명하는 영상입니다. (올해 5월에 개최된 CDN Summit 2011에서 각사가 발표한 내용입니다.) Moderator: Barry Tishgart, Vice President, Comcast Cable Speaker: Gary Southwell, CTO, BTI Systems Speaker: Alan Arolovitch, CTO, PeerApp Speaker: Prabakar Sundarrajan, VP, Chief Strategist, Content & Media, Juniper Networks